Never again, do you hear, never!..
Let there be May, sunshine, and dew,
A lilac flood, the tenderness of matthiola,
Flocks of clouds in peaceful skies…
Let the morning birdsong fill the air,
Not the ominous cannon shots,
The joyful laughter of a child,
Not the anxious toll of an alarm bell…
Let rivers flow with crystal freshness
Instead of streams burnt crimson red,
Let trees breathe with abundant blossoms,
And not the choking fumes of dread…
Let there be no grieving widows’ faces,
No bitter sorrow in a mother’s eyes…
Let war never call to arms again
The simple farmer working the land…
Oh, how many have vanished beyond the horizon!..
Is there a measure for loss and pain?
Never again, do you hear, never!
And whoever dares – the Earth shall curse them!..
By Nataliya Danyliuk