Dear Partners!
The Technical Regulations on food labeling rules, approved by the Order of the State Committee for Technical Regulation and Consumer Policy No. 487 dated 28.10.2010, contain specific requirements for food labeling. In particular, paragraph 5 of these regulations states:

"5. The labeling of food products and the method by which it is carried out must not:
a) Mislead the consumer regarding:
- The characteristics of the food product, including its nature, identity, properties, condition, composition, quantity, shelf life, origin, or method of production;
- The unjustified indication of properties that the food product does not possess."
Additionally, Article 11 of the Law of Ukraine "On Baby Food" dated September 14, 2006, No. 142-V, requires the mandatory approval of labeling text by the central executive body responsible for formulating state policy in the field of health care.
The shelf life of all TM "Marmaluzi" products, according to the valid registration documents obtained in Ukraine, is 24 months.
Due to this, the manufacturer, to avoid violating the requirements of current Ukrainian legislation, was forced to re-label the text on the packaging.

The sticker has been applied over incorrect information to prevent consumers from being misled.
According to the requirements of the "Technical Regulations on Food Labeling Rules," approved by the Order of the State Consumer Standards of Ukraine No. 487 dated 28.10.2010, the term "labeling" is interpreted as:
"Labeling – all words, descriptions, trademarks, brand names, images, or symbols related to food products and placed on any packaging, label (sticker), consumer container, counter-label, collar, tag, cap, insert, document, message, or other packaging elements that accompany or belong to this type of food product."
Thus, the application of the sticker does not violate the requirements of the above-mentioned technical regulations.
Based on this, the manufacturer has considered all the requirements of current Ukrainian legislation regarding food labeling and has ensured the compliance of the text applied to the consumer packaging.